David Dave
1 min readSep 23, 2024

Life is Just Like an Egg: The Tragic Tale of Mary Bateman, the Yorkshire Witch

Life is delicate, like an egg—one crack, and it can fall apart. Mary Bateman, also called the Yorkshire Witch in 1800s England, lived a life full of risk. She pretended to be a healer, helping the desperate and sick, but behind her friendly face was a greedy and deceptive mind.

One of her victims, Rebecca Perigo, came to Mary when no one else could cure her illness. Mary gave her a potion, promising it would save her from death, but it was really poison. As Rebecca got worse, her husband William became suspicious. Wanting to save his wife, he confronted Mary and discovered her dark secrets.

The truth came out: Mary had poisoned many people, taking advantage of their trust. Her victims, like fragile eggs, broke under her lies. In 1809, she was arrested and executed for murder, Death by hanging, leaving behind a story of fear.

Mary Bateman’s story shows how easily life can fall apart when we trust the wrong people. Like an egg, once cracked, life can never be whole again.

David Dave

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