Imagination While Dying: A 7-Day Journey on a Hospital Bed

David Dave
5 min readSep 23, 2024


Picture created by the Author

Life doesn’t become real until you face the fragility of your existence. This is the story of Coles, a businessman from the Western world who found himself on a path he never imagined—seven days on a hospital bed that transformed his outlook on life forever.

It all started one Monday morning while Coles was at his office. He collapsed suddenly, his body giving way to the immense stress he had been under. He was rushed to Georgia Hospital, where the doctors immediately began treatment. Coles wanted to leave the hospital on the first day after being diagnosed, but the doctor insisted that he stay, assuring him he would be discharged soon. "Soon" turned into seven long days.

Coles spent his time in the hospital battling not only his physical condition but the thoughts that tormented him as he lay there, feeling trapped and powerless. Every time he looked at his wife and children, tears filled his eyes. He was reminded of his mortality. "One day, I will leave them for good," he thought. "But it’s not my time yet. No, not yet."

The doctor came in on the second day and said, "Mr. Coles, you need rest. You’ve pushed your body too far. The tests show you’ve overworked yourself. Why did you do this?"

Coles sighed. "Doctor, do I even need to answer that? It’s money. I have two daughters who just got into college. I’m the provider; I have no choice but to keep working."

The doctor, understanding his plight, advised him to take it easy. "Stay here for a week, recover fully, and then you can return to work with a clearer mind."

Left alone with his thoughts, Coles realized something: life had stripped him down to the basics. His family couldn’t sit with him 24/7, and his colleagues barely visited. He was left to wrestle with his thoughts and deeper realizations about life.

Here are three profound lessons Coles learned in those seven days:

I was thought by My Life while on the sick Bed that,

  • 1. No One Values Your Life More Than You Do: In the silence of the hospital room, Coles understood that he had been undervaluing his existence. He was chasing after wealth, but for what? His health was worth more than any amount of money. One day of life is more valuable than a thousand days of riches. You only get one chance to live, so why not protect it? But also try never to settle for less, that your dreams that will prove you to the world, make it to life. I need to leave the hospital because I know one day in my life is more valuable than 1000 years; I hope you understand.
  • 2. People Will Move On Without You: Coles had always thought his business partners would stand by him, but he was wrong. One of them didn’t even visit him in the hospital. Instead, he sent a message through an employee, saying he had gone on a business trip to China. That’s when Coles realized that no matter how important you think you are, life moves on without you. Thoughts, dreams, and relationships evolve, but it’s the lessons you learn along the way that truly matter. Education isn’t just formal; it’s also the informal life lessons that shape who you become. I tried to find out what is thought? what is imagination? and what is dreams? I know all this can also put in thought generally, it’s very surprising of not to see my business partner visit me in the hospital, he just sent a message to via my workers he needed to attend to a business trip in China, ohh what a big lesson, so I now see why thought comes in our life, how will decide to change our dreams, yes, it’s through lessons, as we know Education consists of 2 types formal and informal, then informal is explained to be a lesson we learn right from our infant till old Age, if not for sickness, I won’t thought of all these, if not for my children education I won’t not work tiredlessly, then I know that lesson we learn always follow by our thoughts.
  • 3. Not just your wife and children are your Blood:
    Not just your wife and children are your Blood,no don’t never think of that, as we know we are social animal, then we are to mingle with people that are related to us, either by blood,by business or by having the same vision or have strong friendship.Then let me now tell you that you have not just one blood but you have family blood, friendship blood, business blood, neighborhood blood, society blood and alot of blood. What is my point, when I was on sick bed, I realized the important of Love, yes Love is beautiful as we know we have different kind of love, not just one love we have. Let me explain, We have Agape love, Eros Love, Family Love Friendship love, and so all, so therefore in my analysis I converted Love to Blood, yes , that is why I said not just one love you have and not just one blood we have.As humans, we are social creatures, connected not only by blood but also by relationships, shared visions, and friendships. Lying on that bed, Coles understood the true value of love and human connection. Love is more than just what you feel for your family it extends to your friends, your community, and even your business partners. Coles realized that he had many "families"—his biological family, his friendship family, his business family, and even his neighborhood family. Love, like blood, flows through all these connections.

Narrator’s note: If this story touched you in any way, please support me on Medium by clapping and following my journey as a writer and researcher. Your support will inspire me to bring more life-changing stories to your desk. Thank you for reading! — David Dave.



David Dave

Hi 👋 there, I'm an article writer passionate about helping people discover ways to make money online.